Resources for Writing Contracts

Key Contract Provisions To Know
This brief outline from 99U offers 6 things that should be in every contract you write.

Elements of an Illustration Contract
The online platform, The Business of Illustration, breaks down the key elements of a freelance illustration contract and what they mean.

AIGA's Standard Design Contract
AIGA, a premier professional association for design, offers a template and guide for contracts used for design services.
Resources for Learning Key Legal Issues

Understanding Copyright
The U.S. Copyright office provides a comprehensive overview of copyright law and answers to common FAQ’s.

Understanding Patents
The U.S. Patent and Trademark office offers comprehensive guidance on patents, what qualifies for patent protection, and how to apply.
Resources for Finding Legal Help

Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts
The Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts provide a broad range of free and low-cost legal services addressing the needs of artists, small arts-related businesses and cultural organizations.

The Legal Artist
New England-based attorney and RISD alum Greg Kanaan offers legal advice and services to creative professionals.