RISD Career Center Principles of Social Equity & Inclusion 

We support social equity and inclusion through our commitment to:  

…Black Lives Matter.
…our BIPOC students and community.
…our LGBTQIA+ students and community.
…our international students and community.
...our differently abled students and community.
…gender equality.
...pay equality.
...hard, honest, and hopeful conversations to change existing systems and to remove barriers to equity and inclusion. 
…striving to act without bias.
…understanding how intersectionality impacts your career development.
...listening deeply to you.
…providing you with a ‘safe place’ to discuss your career development.
…being sensitive to your socioeconomic background.
…educating you to make informed career decisions.
…helping you achieve your career goals.
…protecting your confidentiality with us.
…being impartial and transparent in recruitment, hiring, award and grant processes.
…providing you access to professional opportunities and networks and expanding offerings to support your interests and needs. 
…widely communicating career opportunities and programming. 
RISD’s Social Equity & Inclusion (SEI) initiatives, goals and resources. 
the National Association of Colleges and Employers’ (NACE) Principles for Ethical Professional Practice. 



We educate and advise all students and alumni on how to effectively translate their education and creativity into fulfilling professional experiences. We do this with deep respect for individual differences and for each person’s unique aspirations and goals. 


Learning Outcomes

  • Students will explore and understand opportunities in order to make informed decisions pertaining to their career path.
  • Students will be able to demonstrate their skills, interests and experiences and evaluate how they connect to their professional lives.
  • Students will be able to utilize the career skills, tools and resources they need to achieve their professional goals.
  • Students will feel confident and gain the ability to develop and engage in a network that enhances their opportunities beyond RISD.